What’s Growing at The Cottage No. 028

What’s Growing at The Cottage No. 028

Flowering Plum. Simply gorgeous. I remember when we first put it in about 6 years ago when it was a wee baby. Now, look at it! Those redwoods have some competition…


Flowering plum (Prunus cerasifera) is a small to medium-sized ornamental tree native to Asia. This tree is one of the earliest spring bloomers, harkening the arrival of the season. Although, ours always seem to bloom in late winter. The leaves sprout after the bloom fades away from the trees. Around summertime, the leaves of the tree will change color from glossy green to deep, bright burgundy. Famous poet Lin Bu of the Song Dynasty (960–1279) sums up a plum tree beautifully:
How Plum Flowers Embarrass a Garden
When everything has faded they alone shine forth
encroaching on the charms of smaller gardens
their scattered shadows fall lightly on clear water
their subtle scent pervades the moonlit dusk
snowbirds look again before they land
butterflies would faint if they but knew
thankfully I can flirt in whispered verse
I don’t need a sounding board or winecup.
Published by Amy on: Feb 13, 2018

Little pink petals are showered down all over the place (including the hot tub) like confetti. I love it.
Close up flowering plum Loma Mar cottage

Flowering plum confetti