Interesting times….

Interesting times….

My dad had a massive stroke in October. Sadly, he laid in a busy parking lot near his truck in a pile of vomit and blood for close to 8 hours before someone bothered to call 911.
He wasn’t slumped in his truck where no one could see him. He was face down on the concrete with his truck door open and his radio going in front of a Toy’s R Us in broad daylight.


8 hours he laid there. 8. And no one saw him? What’s happened to us??


Way too many of us seem to be losing all sense of what is right and what is wrong. Way too many of us seem to be losing all sense of what it means to treat others with dignity and respect. Way too many of us seem to be losing basic common sense. It’s easy for me to blame this on our post-Internet era and how we’re becoming increasingly desensitized to one another. Hello, just turn on the news for a few examples.


What’s so frustrating is he had none of the ‘risk factors’ associated with a stroke. The hospital thought he had a head injury. I thought it was foul play.
A stroke?! My dad? No way!

No history of heart disease, no high cholesterol or diabetes, lab work normal, not overweight – never has been, doesn’t smoke, he’s fit, watches what he eats, takes supplements…


After 3 weeks at Stanford, he was transferred to Valley Medical for acute rehab, where the hard work began.


Each day my mom and I would bring my dad something new – a picture he could look at, a bay leaf he could smell, Silly Putty he could squish with his hand – anything to help stimulate his brain and to slowly put a ‘half’ smile on his face.


His days were filled with occupational, physical, speech, and art therapy. He even got to go on an outing to his favorite store, Home Depot.


I have to remind myself that someone did see him. Someone did stop and help. Someone did take the time to call 911. There are people who still care. I also think of all the incredible and compassionate people my mom and I wouldn’t have met unless the stroke happened.


A stroke is no joke and a long road is ahead for him. But if anyone can tackle Mount Everest, it’s my dad. I’ll keep you posted.

Published by Amy on Dec 21, 2017

We’re safe!

Did you know many of the ingredients in common household cleaning products have been linked to asthma, cancer, reproductive disorders, hormone disruption and neurotoxicity? Yikes, right!? Manufacturers tell us that in “small amounts” these toxic ingredients aren’t “likely” to be a problem, but when exposed to them routinely, and in combinations that haven’t been studied (what!?), it’s impossible to accurately gauge the risks.
We live in a world where you cannot completely avoid exposure to toxic chemicals, but it is possible to reduce them significantly. That is why I’ve been slowly phasing out the traditional cleaning products and replacing them with a better alternative. And, I’m happy to report The Cottage is now cleaned with nontoxic products – safe for my guests, the environment and especially for the cleaning staff (aka, me!).
If you want to save a few bucks you can easily make your own (with ingredients your great grandmother probably used) or, if you’re lazy like me, purchase the alternatives from the store. Just make sure to read the label on some of these “green,” “biodegradable,” or “natural” products because that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s nontoxic!
I’ve found the best place to look up the toxicity level of a product is the Environmental Working Group. They’re an independent organization and do all the research for you.
Published by Amy on: Jan 18, 2017

Iconic Horseshoes

Iconic Horseshoes

Horseshoes, An American Classic

horseshoes at Loma Mar vacation cottage

Even though summer doesn’t officially start until a few weeks, Memorial Day weekend seems to always kick off the summertime fun. Watermelon, BBQ’s, flip flops, long days at the beach and when it comes to backyard games, horseshoes are a true classic.

The game of horseshoes is American as apple pie. We’ve been playing the game since the American Civil War. Our great-great-grandparents played the game and probably our great-great grandkids will too. It’s simple to learn yet challenging enough. It can be played solo or with others, can be played almost anywhere, and by almost anyone, young or more mature.

A little history
Game of quoits. Image: Wikipedia

Sports historians figured out that the game of horseshoes was invented some 2,000 years ago from the ancient Greek sport of the discus throw. Many of the poorer people could not afford the discus so they used cast-off horseshoes instead. At the time, horseshoes were actually round, with a hole in the middle. This then evolved into the game of quoits (which uses a 4-pound iron ring in a manner similar to horseshoes) which was being played in England by the 14th Century. This brought embarrassment to the English rulers who felt the game distracted men from military training, particularly archery. The game was outlawed in 1388. By the 16th century, English peasants were playing both horseshoes (now, in a more “U” shape) and quoits with horseshoes generally viewed by the rich and noble as a vulgar, a poor man’s version of the proper game of quoits.
Ever eager to thumb their noses (and fingers!) at aristocrats, the American colonists exported both games to North America and the colonists played horseshoes almost exclusively, making the game somewhat of a symbol for the common citizen.

(Sept. 1926 issue) Frank Jackson winner of 11 world championships and 5 state championships

Around the turn of the twentieth century is when horseshoe tournaments, leagues, and associations were starting to form. In the roaring twenties, horseshoe pitching was a popular spectator sport regularly covered on the sports pages.
Today some 30 million Americans enjoy the game. There are “official rules” set by National Horseshoe Pitchers Association (NHPA) with stake height, shoe weight, distance from each stake and a whole lot more. But, you don’t need to worry about any of that or be as good as Frank Jackson to get a game going.

A little skill

First, determine what the winning score will be – you can pick any number. Then a good old-fashioned coin toss will determine who pitches first. One player throws 2 shoes at the stake at the opposite end. Then the next player throws 2 shoes. When all four shoes have been tossed, you walk over to the stake, figure out the score, then pick up your shoes and throw them again. You keep doing this until someone has reached the winning score.

The object is to get the horseshoe as close as possible to the stake, or ideally, to wrap the shoe around the stake (a ringer).

You get:

  • Three points for a ringer (must be able to draw a straight line between the open ends of the horseshoe and not have that line touch the stake)
  • One point for close (six inches or less from the stake)
  • Zero for anything else

Loma Mar horseshoe pit
Horseshoe pit at Where Water Falls


But there is a twist…

As with many games, there’s a twist called cancellations. Anytime both opponents land horseshoes that are equally close to the stake they cancel each other out – no score is given. The same holds true for ringers; if both score a ringer then no points are awarded for that particular ringer. This scoring system gave rise to the popular expression, “Close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades.”

The official NHPA game consists of 40 points which can be a real test of endurance, especially when players are evenly matched (and if you have a cocktail in your other hand while playing, not that I know of course). The game could go on for many hours and your arm will be a little sore the next day.

A little luck too

lucky horseshoe above door at Loma Mar vacation cottage
Horseshoe above door at Where Water Falls

Horseshoes are not only used in a game but also have long been thought to be lucky. Many believed (and some still do) that a horseshoe in the upward (“U”) position holds in all the luck. When the opening turns down, the luck spills out. A horseshoe hanging above a door is said to gather great luck for the home and it’s not a home without one.
So, this summer, pitch some all-American shoes. Whether you’re at the beach, a park or your own backyard, pound a couple pieces of pipe into the ground and get a game going. All you need is a little skill, a little luck and it will surely bring you a whole lot of fun!
Published by Amy on: May 26, 2016



Luck be a lady (Bug) tonight….

When winter arrives, so do the ladybugs. They come in through small cracks around the windows and doorways in older homes. They’re looking to hibernate in a warm, comfortable spot over the cold winter months. The problem is, they eat garden and crop pests like aphids or scale insects and none of those are inside the house (at least I hope not!). The ladybug is forced to live off it’s body fat until spring arrives. Yikes!
I read that they like a little humidity when stuck inside the house. So, if you spot one while taking a shower; that’s one smart lady. Sorry, I couldn’t resist…
If a ladybug lands on you, be careful not to brush it off. Stay very still and count the spots. The number of spots will reveal the number of months you will enjoy good luck. Be sure to come on over to The Cottage during the winter months for some lucky charms. We’ve got lots. I almost stepped on the one pictured!
Published by Amy on: Jan 28, 2016
#ladybug #goodluck #fortune #vacationrentals #lomamar #sfbayarea #wherewaterfalls


Ladybug at Loma Mar cottage

More Rainy Day Fun On The Coastside (Part 2)

More Rainy Day Fun On The Coastside (Part 2)

Nothing can be more of a bummer than when you have your day planned for outside fun in the sun and then it pours. I mean it really pours and you don’t want to dare get into the car and drive somewhere like we did in part 1. Click Here if you missed the day trip from Pescadero to Davenport.
While it is true that nothing beats the feeling of warmth brought about by the sunshine, it doesn’t mean that you can’t have fun being indoors too. Rainy days tend to dull the fire of anxiety in the soul. So in this part, let’s stay in and take care of that soul of yours – you’re on vacation after all!
Rekindle that child within
Board game at Loma Mar

When was the last time you played a board game or put together a puzzle? Board games have been played in most cultures and societies throughout history. They nurture that child within and they help build new brain cells. Yes, you can grow new ones at any age.
For example:
Scrabble & Boggle helps with word skills. This brain workout encourages you to recognize letter patterns, create new combinations and boost vocabulary. Word skills are essential for people of all ages who what to be effective communicators (or at least with the opposite sex, right!).
Ping-Pong & Foosball improve coordination. You use it for everyday tasks like walking while using your handheld device (maybe that’s a bad example), driving your car or putting your shoes on. Active play increases blood-flow to the brain and improves overall brain health, making you ready to face any challenge your day may hold; like when it rains on your vacation!
Monopoly & Settlers of Catan are great for the frontal lobe. This area of the brain is responsible for critical thinking and decision making. It’s also the center of judgement, impulse control and social behavior. These games require complex levels of thinking, planning, sequencing and reasoning. Play nice though.
Simon & Uno for memory. By engaging in brain-stimulating activities, you can help clear the dust bunnies and re-establish old connections between brain cells. Short term memory skills come in handy for work and finding those car keys you misplace all too often.
Katamino & Marusenko Sphere (like a Rubrics Cube) boost your visual perception skills. These activities require you to shift the orientation of objects in your mind and quickly recognize shapes and colors. Soon enough you’ll be able to spot a polar bear in a blizzard on your next vacation in the arctic. 
*The Cottage has the listed games above as well as many classic and current board games, cards, puzzles, mazes, and trivia for groups and the solo player.
Veg Out
Movie timeSometimes bad weather makes you want to just curl up in front of the tube with a big bowl of popcorn or other treats and just veg out. Some of the most loved Hollywood films of all time are perfect for rainy days because gloomy weather can cause a bad mood and watching a movie or a marathon of them will lift the spirit. It’s easy to transport yourself to futuristic places, magical lands or back in time with a good story.
*The Cottage has: Comedies, Romance, Action, Sci-Fi, Nature, Thriller, Drama, Adventure, Documentary…. you take your pick.

Snuggle By The Fire
cozy read Loma Mar cottage (Large)

FireplaceRainy days are the perfect excuse to stay in your jammies all day. Build a fire, snuggle up with a warm blanket, catch up on some zzz’s and get to that book that’s been on your list. Hey, you were going to read it from that lounge chair in the sun, remember? (See Part 1)
But wait a minute? Building a fire is one of those things that you might sort of know how to do, but don’t really have to do it that often kind of thing. Don’t worry, it’s actually quite simple, whether it’s a campfire to roast s’mores or a cozy one at a vacation rental.
You’ll need:

  • Fire Starter – the spark
  • Tinder – newspaper works just fine
  • Kindling – wood less than an inch in diameter (this will get your fire going)
  • Logs – you know what these look like

Before you do anything, open the flue. You’ll usually be able to feel the cold air coming from outside if it’s open. Grab your newspaper and crumble a few pieces up, throwing them into the back of the fireplace. These are going to act as the tinder, starting the fire with an easy to light surface.
Stack some of your kindling on top of the newspaper. Make sure you leave enough room in there for oxygen to circulate, as your fire will need it to burn. I like to build a tepee with the kindling.
Light your fire. Again, you’ll want to light the tinder (newspaper) in a few different spots to get it burning quickly. Your kindling should catch fire pretty easily. You can add a bit more kindling once it starts to create a nice bed going.
Once you’ve got a small fire going, you can start adding your bigger logs. You can usually just lay these across lengthwise, then stack one or two on top diagonally. Remember: you want to leave enough room for oxygen to flow so everything catches fire easily.
That’s it! You should have a warm, crackling fire going in no time. You can always add more logs if you want to keep it going longer, too. 
*The Cottage has the fire prepared ahead of time. All you need to do is light it!
Play In The Kitchen

eat Loma Mar (Large)


Turn on the music, open a bottle of wine and play in the kitchen. Your creative cooking skills are bound to improve considerably as you learn enjoyable ways to cook with local, flavorful and healthy ingredients. And, maybe with something you’ve never tried before!
Get the rest of the gang to join in with you for some team effort. Meals prepared and eaten at home (or a vacation rental) are usually more nutritious, healthy and made with love. So many of us eat on the go or alone and we miss out on meaningful times with those that matter most. This is why you wanted to come on vacation, right? Instead of eating out, eat in. Preparing and sharing a meal together is an easy excuse to catch up, laugh and eat the rainy afternoon away. 
*The Cottage is fully loaded for all your cooking and baking needs.



Rain on window(Large)


Make a warm mug of tea or hot chocolate – something you don’t normally make for yourself. Turn off the TV, computer or music you have on and open the doors. Just listen to the sound of the raindrops hitting the leaves on the trees, the roof, the ground and all the surroundings. If there is a covered spot outside to sit, go out with your mug and feel the warmth of it in your hand. Take a smell of the aroma from your beverage. Breathe in fresh dewy air. Observe the power of Mother Nature and allow her to nurture you. Maybe a rainy day turned out to be exactly what you needed after all… 
Published by Amy on: Jan 14, 2016
Life Hacker
Grey Wolf Survival

We were included in 5 extraordinary vacation rentals of 2014!

I’m super excited (and a bit shocked!) that our cottage was included in One Chic Retreat’s, “The 5 Most Extraordinary Vacation Rentals I Discovered in 2014,” recent article. Mercedes Brennan of 1 Chic Retreat is an amazing interior designer for the vacation rental space. I’m always inspired by her design ideas and what I love most, it’s totally doable! Be sure to check out her blog for some fabulous tips!
Read the article here:
The 5 Most Extraordinary Vacation Rentals I Discovered in 2014 (and what you can learn from them)
Published by Amy on: Jan 2, 2015

#vacationrentals #interiordesignideas


5 extraordinary vacation rentals of 2014


We were featured in Vacation Rental Success!

I am honored to have been a guest on Heather Bayer’s podcast, “Vacation Rental Success.” For those of you who don’t know who she is, Heather is ‘The Guru’ in the vacation rental industry. She shares a wealth of knowledge and experience not only as a property manager but as a vacation rental owner herself. She is my top go-to person for industry tips, best practices, and expert advice. I’m always learning something valuable from her blogs and podcasts that I strive to put into practice. I hope you take a moment and have a listen to the show. I would appreciate it if you left a comment to let me know what you thought too!

To listen to the podcast click here:
Amy Blomquist – Vacation Rental Owner and Memory Creator | Cottage blogger










Published by Amy on: Dec 3, 2014
#vacationrentals #vrindustry #socialmediamarketing #podcastseries #ns




Top 7 Reasons Why You Should NOT Visit Loma Mar

Top 7 Reasons Why You Should NOT Visit Loma Mar

Don’t get us wrong – you only need to look at our reviews to know that our guests love staying at The Cottage. But vacation rentals are not cookie-cutter experiences and not every vacation rental (or the area) is for everyone. We want you to have the BEST POSSIBLE VACATION and we want The Cottage AND Loma Mar to be a good fit for you. So, read on to see if we are!


Number 7: You want to be close to the action

Wish you were here (Medium)

Loma Mar doesn’t have malls, restaurants, museums, nightclubs or theme parks. The only within walking distance tourist attraction are the redwoods. If getting in the car and driving 15 minutes to the action (downtown Pescadero) which consists of a restaurant, 2 country markets, a few unique shops, a gas station, and a goat dairy farm is a VERY long time or a bore, then Loma Mar is not for you. Our action is trying to decide whether it’s the hammock, deck or the lounge chair you’re looking for to read that juicy novel. Which hiking trail you want to take a midday stroll through. Or gee, it’s 3 pm and maybe I should get out of my PJ’s?! If sitting on the deck with a cocktail, a soak in the hot tub or a rowdy game of horseshoes sound boring, then Loma Mar is not for you.


Number 6: You envision country life as a quiet environment

Wake up!

Nope, the countryside is full of vocal activity. In Loma Mar, we have roosters welcoming the day bright and early. There are also frogs, crickets, coyotes, owls and others that like to join the jamboree in the evening. These sounds are not a recording that can be turned on or off when you want. They are real. If celebratory sounds of life bother you, then Loma Mar is not for you.


Number 5: You prefer straight lines

We've got curves (3)

Loma Mar is located in the Santa Cruz Mountains which means we have hills and curves that go around these really tall things called the redwood trees. There are no concrete straight lines here. In our neck of the woods, nature doesn’t play by those rules. Pescadero Creek Road and Highway 84 (the 2 roads that lead to our cottage) are windy country roads with lots of fun loops, twists, and turns. If the thought of traveling on meandering country roads (through some of the most beautiful scenery) makes your stomach turn, then Loma Mar is not for you.


Number 4: You and your cell phone are one
Unplug from the noisy world (Medium)

I know this may come as a complete shock but Loma Mar has no cell tower! What the locals do is use the phone inside the house. Gasp!! Yes, you heard me, one of those old-fashioned landline things from back in the day. If you cannot unplug from your cell phone for a few days, then you have some major problems (just sayin’) and Loma Mar is not for you. *Please note, The Cottage has Wi-Fi for those who cannot completely unplug from the matrix.


Number 3: You want to stagger back after an evening of eating & drinking
No reservations required

Sorry, Loma Mar doesn’t have any restaurants or bars. You have to get into the car and drive to those. We’re rural, which means things are spread out. If you don’t want to drive 15 minutes or prepare a meal together with friends/family and enjoy alfresco in the privacy of a backyard under the redwoods with a waterfall flowing next to you, then Loma Mar is not for you.


Number 2: You favor man-made surroundings

Loma Mar skyscrapers (1) (Small)Loma Mar doesn’t have sidewalks, billboards, public transportation, street lights, or skyscrapers. We’re in the country, which means the surroundings are living – aka “critters and green things.” You may encounter bees and hummingbirds whizzing past you, deer and turkey blocking the road, bright yellow slow-moving slugs that you have to step over, bird poop, and other untamed surprises. Our “skyscrapers” are the redwoods and it also happens to get dark at night. Yes, nature can be unpredictable (fog, rain, wind on your vacation). Loma Mar is not self-contained; the electricity may go out. If you prefer a more controlled environment, then Loma Mar is not for you.


Number 1: You would rather have a stereotypical vacation rental experience

No cookie-cutter track house or management company here. The Cottage is a home with some family history we want to share with you. It also has character, color, charm, and lots of personalized detail we’ve included just for you. That’s right, you. We actually care and want you to have a memorable time. We’re also just a holler away if you get stuck – yep, the actual owners. If you’re looking for a cheap place to lay your head for the night, then Loma Mar is definitely not for you as we’re the only vacation rental in Loma Mar!


So, do you want to experience a little country livin’? If so, we would love to host you!

You can book a visit here: BOOK NOW Or, if you want to view additional photos and info you can do so here: SEE MORE

Published by Amy on Oct 24, 2014